APHS Alumnae/”Mighty Macs” of Immaculata University
Janet Ruch Boltz (Class of 1969)
Denise Conway Crawford (Class of 1970)
Sue Forsyth O’Grady (Class of 1968)
Pat Opila Penater (Class of 1968) (Posthumously)
Betty Ann Hoffman Quinn (Class of 1969)
Marianne Crawford Stanley (Class of 1972)
Katharine Drexel Medal Winners
James Catrambone
Sr. Catherine Robinson, SSJ (Deceased)
2016 Inductees
Dolores Hilden Agin (Class of 1962)
Cathleen DeMaio Collins (Class of 1978)
Eileen Reilly DeStefano (Class of 1962)
Carol Smythe Dunleavy (Class of 1981)
Michele Thornton Eberz (Class of 1991)
Monica Stumm Hilferty (Class of 1970)
Maureen McGonigle Jensen (Class of 1986)
Sarajane Gipe Johnsen (Class of 1974)
APHS Medal Winners
Fr. James Olson
William Brannick
2018 Inductees
Jane Morabito Barbera (Class of 1963) (Deceased)
Suzanne Carroll (Class of 1986)
Barbara Murray DiLossi (Class of 1974)
Geraldine (Gerri) Sharr Henwood (Class of 1970)
Sister Kathleen Looby, IHM (Class of 1960)
Sister Christine McCann, RSM (Class of 1966)
Sister Maureen Lawrence McDermott (Class of 1974)
Margaret McGroarty Brookes Rankin (Class of 1976)
Maureen Smyth (Class of 1998)
Lindsay Wolf (Class of 1998)
Group: Members of the Prendie Chorus who were chosen to sing on stage at the Valley Forge Music Fair with Kenny Rogers. Those members include over 30 graduates from the classes of 1997-2000
APHS Medal Winners
Mr. Anthony Mullen (Deceased)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Veronica Crisp
2019 Inductees
Debbie Venuto Apalucci (Class of 1970)
Marianne Ferentinos Crosby (Class of 1988)
Dr. Amanda DiNofia (Class of 2000)
Melissa DiNofia-Bozzone (Class of 1994)
Andrea Manieri Mattie (Class of 1997)
Ann Pinto McCarney (Class of 1987)
Patricia Chest McNevin (Class of 1976)
Kristin Moffitt Jackowski (Class of 1998)
Helen Koskinen Perretta (Class of 1986)
Jennifer Kiely Walsh (Class of 1988)
Group: The Fall of 1979 and 1980 Field Hockey Team
APHS Medal Winners
Madeleine “Lynne” Dunbar
Sister Gertrude Friel, SSJ
Michael McKenzie (MBHS*70)
2022 Inductees
Sister Eileen Sizer, RSM ’68
Marietta Waters ’74
Tina Reilly Gula ’74
Judy Novelli Dunn ’76
Donna Schweitzer Gallo ’83 and Steve Gallo (Hall of Fame and Prendie Medal)